Answers to frequently asked questions

What is VELVUS?
VELVUS is an innovative investment platform that allows investors around the world to receive stable passive income.
What tools does the VELVUS platform use to generate income?
The investment activity of the platform is carried out through algorithmic trading in the cryptocurrency markets. The innovative trading terminal VELVUS Trading Desk ™ carries out trading operations around the clock, due to the complete automation of the entire process.
Who can become a VELVUS investor?
VELVUS is a decentralized investment platform. Any adult can create an account with VELVUS and start their investor journey.
Does VELVUS accept registrations from US residents? platform Accept US user registrations and every other country registration user worldwide
How to become a VELVUS investor?
In order to become a VELVUS investor, you need to go through a simple registration procedure using this link.